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Dynamic visualization of large transaction networks: the daily Dutch overnight money market

Working Papers

This paper shows how large data sets can be visualized in a dynamic way to support exploratory research, highlight econometric results or provide early warning information. The case studies included in this paper case are based on the payments and unsecured money market transaction data of the Dutch part of the Eurosystem’s large value payment system, TARGET2. We show how animation facilitates analysis at three different levels. First, animation shows how the market macrostructure develops. Second, it enables individual banks that are of interest to be followed. Finally, it facilitates a comparison of the same market at different moments in time and of different markets (such as countries) at the same moment in time.
Keywords: interbank network, visualization.
JEL classification: G01, G2, G21. [to check]

Working paper no. 418

418 - Dynamic visualization of large transaction networks: the daily Dutch overnight money market

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