Using three waves of a customised survey among Dutch households, this paper studies the variation in peoples views on inflation. Based on a range of panel regressions, we find that accurate perceptions of recent price changes are an important determinant of the accuracy of next-year inflation expectations. The realism of inflation perceptions is, in turn, related to the intensity of newspaper consumption and also affected by the broadness of a persons political preferences. However, more frequent newspaper usage does not necessarily reduce errors in inflation perceptions.
Keywords: inflation expectations, inflation perceptions, newspaper readership, political preferences, household survey data.
JEL classifications: D12, D83, D84, E31, E58. Working paper no. 549
News consumption, political preferences, and accurate views on inflation
Working Papers
Gepubliceerd: 15 maart 2017
549 - News consumption, political preferences, and accurate views on inflation
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