Speech Klaas Knot - The Toolkit of Policies in the Brave New World of Debt


Gepubliceerd: 10 november 2021

Klaas Knot

On 10 November, Klaas Knot took part in the Boston Fed’s economic research conference on “The Implications of High Leverage for Financial Instability Risk, Real Economic Activity, and Appropriate Policy Responses”. He participated in the panel “The Toolkit of Policies in the Brave New World of Debt”. He provided a Dutch perspective on what drives corporate and household leverage, when it becomes a concern, and how to mitigate its risks. His presentation can be downloaded below.

Date: 10 November 2021
Time: 17:25
Speaker: Klaas Knot
Location: Boston (digitally)

Presentation Klaas Knot - The toolkit of policies in the brave new world of debt

Download Presentation Klaas Knot - The toolkit of policies in the brave new world of debt

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