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Publicatie Leidraad Wwft en Sw
De Leidraad ‘Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme (Wwft) en Sanctiewet (Sw)’ van DNB is aangepast naar aanleiding van de wetswijzigingen die dit jaar in werking zijn getreden.
Een deel van deze wetswijzigingen is bedoeld om de laatste wijzigingen van de anti-witwas richtlijn te implementeren. De Leidraad Wwft en Sw van december 2020 vervangt de versie van december 2019, die geheel komt te vervallen.
De Leidraad Wwft en Sw is hier te raadplegen.
Relevante internationale publicaties
- EBA consults on its draft guidelines for institutions and resolution authorities on improving resolvability
- The EBA consults on guidance on how to grant authorisation as credit institution
- EBA consults on its revised guidelines on recovery plan indicators
- EBA consults on changes to its guidelines on risk-based AML/CFT supervision
- EBA published discussion paper on integrated reporting
- EBA launched consultation on draft revised guidelines on stress tests of DGSs
- ESAs published a consultation paper on taxonomy-related product disclosures
- SRB launched consultation on 2021 SRF contributions
- EBA will make its Basel III monitoring exercise mandatory
- ESAs issued recommendations on the application of the regulation on sustainability-related disclosures
- EBA launched public consultation on draft technical standards on Pillar 3 disclosures of ESG risks
- EBA published final revised guidelines on money laundering and terrorist financing risk factors
- EBA published final guidelines on tri-party repurchase agreements for large exposure purposes
- EBA consults on guidance to assess breaches of the large exposure limits
- EBA published final draft technical standards on disclosure of indicators of global systemic importance by G-SIIs
- ECB asked banks to address credit risk and improve efficiency
- EBA launched 2021 EU-wide stress test exercise
- EBA provided additional clarity on the implementation of selected COVID-19 policies
- ESAs consulted to amend technical standards on the mapping of ECAI’s credit assessments
- ESAs published final report and draft ITS on disclosures under SFDR
- EBA consults on its new guidelines on the monitoring of the threshold for establishing an IPU
- ESAs published final draft ITS on reporting templates
- European Commission takes further steps to foster strength and resilience of Europe’s economic and financial system
- ECB finalised guide on supervisory approach to consolidation
- EBA published final technical standards on estimation of Pillar 2 and combined buffer requirements for setting MREL
- EBA updated reporting framework 3.0 and technical standards on Pillar 3 disclosure
- ESRB amended its recommendation on the restriction of distributions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- ECB asked banks to refrain from or limit dividends until September 2021
- EBA continues to call on banks to apply a conservative approach on dividends and other distributions
- EBA updated its Basel III impact study following the Commission’s call for advice
- SRB published guidance on bank mergers and acquisitions
- Commission presented a strategy to prevent future build-up of NPLs
- Newly published EBA Q&A’s (arranged by topic):
Credit risk: 2019_4504, 2019_4505
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